Main Office Closed due to construction Please email Ms. Deanna Walton if you need help with anything regarding registration for Martin @ [email protected]. Thank you.
Annual Holiday Food and Gift Distribution Residents of SSF, San Bruno, and Brisbane can sign up. Please click on the file below to get more info and to Register. Thank you.
Congratulations to 5th grade Jennessy and Ayden!!! Jennessy and Ayden were celebrated in the last City Council meeting for their posters for the Fire Prevention Week. We are Proud of them!!!
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting Open to all Martin Parents, meeting will take place in the Community Room. October 13, Friday, 8:45 am in the Community Room.
School Site Council (SSC) Meeting Virtual meeting for SSC on October 12 @ 5:00. Please click on the link below. Thanks.