SSFUSD Welcome Back SY24-25 Community Newsletter SSFUSD Students and Families:Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! School begins on Thursday, August 15. Please see the attached newsletter for several announcements and reminders about the start of the school year. We are looking forward to seeing you!Estudiantes y familias del SSFUSD:¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025! Las clases comienzan el jueves 15 de agosto. Consulte el boletín adjunto para ver varios anuncios y recordatorios sobre el comienzo del año escolar. ¡Esperamos verlos con ansia!
Measure T School Improvement Bond Measure The SSFUSD school board approved a $436 Million bond measure for the November 2022 ballot.
In the News: South San Francisco celebrates Ruby Bridges Day A person’s age doesn’t define the power of their voice and that’s what the students of South San Francisco Unified School District learned after hundreds of students, teachers and parents gathered at City Hall to celebrate the annual Ruby Bridges Day.